Minutes 14 September 2016


Download a pdf here: minutes-14-september-2016

September 14, 2016

6:30 PM, Cambria Rabobank, 1070 Main Street

A Quorum was established by directors attending: Crosby and Laura Swartz, JoEllen Butler, Julie Jorgenson, Christine Heinrichs. Don Canestro of Rancho Marino and his intern, Nicholas Pieper, Tony Church, Nancy Anderson, and Kathe Tanner also attended.

The Minutes of the August meeting were approved as written.

The Treasurer’s report by Laura Swartz is unchanged. All bills are paid and the balance is $2,149.98, including $495.13 of the Community Council grant.

Subcommittee reports:


Community Council Grant Application: Laura Swartz would like to apply for a grant to publish a local invasive weed guide. Christine Heinrichs began the project as a Capstone for her California Naturalist certification. The goal is a bilingual hard copy and a downloadable digital version, with an app possible in the future. They will meet to work on the application prior to the October 10 deadline.

Website Report: Domain Name Renewal: Christine will contact GoDaddy directly to transfer ownership of the domain name to the Forest Committee.

At Home in the Forest Brochure: Christine will contact Vari to create a downloadable version of the brochure.

Forest Management

Endangered Species Status for Monterey Pines: Julie Jorgenson reported on discussions with Connie Gannon, executive director of Greenspace. Discussion of the pros and cons of Endangered Species listing through the US Fish & Wildlife Service. Listing can add a layer of difficulty in managing the species, but could focus attention on them and strengthen efforts to fund a Forest Management Plan. The Coastal Commission’s Environmentally Sensitive Areas already gives substantial protection. Other listed species that are native to the Monterey Pine forest require that the forest be protected as habitat. Julie will continue to reach out to the California Native Plant Society and groups in Monterey County for information. The process could help collect data and information on the Monterey Pine forest that would be helpful. She will bring a timeline of the process to the next meeting.

Fiscalini Ranch Preserve Fuel Reduction and Forest Restoration Project: JoEllen Butler reported that Test Plot 3 (cut/chip/scatter) was completed.  Dennis White was hired to do Test Plot 1 (cut/lop/scatter) and Test Plot 2 (cut/pile/burn) because the CalFire crews were busy. Some planting will be done in the first plot after the rainy season. Cones will be scattered in the lop and scatter plot. Volunteers moved the piles of chips.

Strawberry Canyon Dead Tree Removal Project: Nancy Anderson reported that the work was done. Rick Hawley may be doing some finishing work. Homeowners are working with Greenspace to keep land cleared.

New Business

Discussion about Draft Environmental Impact Report on EWS: Crosby is not convinced that the draft EIR resolves the issue of lots retired under the Buildout Reduction Plan. He and Laura serve on the current Buildout Reduction Committee. He will convene and electronic meeting for directors to discuss composing a letter of comment regarding issues that pertain to the forest.

Unfinished Business

Discussion about Cambria Community Wildfire Protection Plan: The Forest Committee’s concern is that the plan is being used as the basis for the Timber Harvest Plan being written for Cal Fire. The plan has questionable data and was never subjected to peer or community review. It’s a fire hazard plan being used as a basis for forest management. The plan will be posted to the Forest Committee web site.

Buildout Reduction Committee: Laura reports that the committee is relying on inconsistent information regarding which and how many lots have been retired from development. The Buildout Reduction Plan is supposed to be what is conserved in the future, not what has been conserved in the past.

Discussion of Weed Abatement Program in Forest Preserve: Although no real agreement has been reached on weed abatement on lots mistakenly listed and mowed, many lots have been removed from the list. instead of mowing the hillside lots, they mowed an eight-foot strip down the center. Further action deferred until next year.

County Permit Referrals: The Forest Committee is no longer receiving permit referrals. Tony Church said that NCAC had received at least four in the last month. Crosby will pursue getting the Forest Committee reinstated for permit notification.

Forestry professor Doug Piirto will speak at the Lions Club meeting September 27 at Joslyn Center 6:30 pm.

Meeting adjourned at 8:00 pm.

Next meeting October 12, 2016.

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