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To conserve the native Monterey Pine forested land in the Cambria area of San Luis Obispo County, California, for scientific, historic, educational, recreational, agricultural, scenic or open-space opportunitiesMeeting Minutes
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May 2010 Meeting Minutes
Cambria Forest Committee
Regular Meeting Minutes
May 12, 2010
Rabobank Meeting Room
1070 Main St. Cambria, Calif.
Directors Present: Brad Seek, Rob Trask, Crosby Swartz, Laura Swartz, Kathe , Mark Miller, Amanda Rice, Bill Schassberger, Tim O’Keefe, Rick Hawley.
Guests Present: Bruce Gibson, Bob Putney, Alan Peters, Kathe Tanner.
1.0 Meeting called to order 6:03pm
2.0 April 14th minutes approved Schassberger/Trask Unan.
3.0 Treasurer’s Rpt. There is currently $2452.04 in the bank account
4.0 Sub Committee Rpts. Information/Action
4.1 Education/Planting/Mitigation
Dir. Hawley held workshops on April 27th but no contract workers showed up(Lot Clearing). Dir. Miller(Fire Chief) believes that all the workers have already received training. Dir. Schassberger emphasized the before and after photos taken on cleared lots will indicate whether the workers are being trained.
PG&E Mitigation: Dir. Rice C. Aispero to look into whether PG&E applied for a permit. Dir. Hawley contacted Lynn Cullen(PG&E). The utility will have to mitigate for 300 trees($7500) and would like to work with CFC to help implement the mitigation. CFC will accept the $7500 from PG&E to mitigate the 300 trees(Schassberger/O’Keefe)unanimous. Art Trinidade (Co. Code Enf.) will be contacted on how the money can be spent to satisfy the mitigation compliance.
Survey Costs: Dir. Hawley received a bid from an appraiser of $5000 to survey a 4.5 ac. Parcel proposed for open space.
Suitable Lots for planting: Dir. Rathbun and Mr. Clift not present for the update.
4H involvement: Mr. Covell not present for the update.
4.2 Forest Mgt.Plan/ Sup. Bruce Gibson
Dir. Hawley suggested that an implemented Forest Management Plan could be funded by forming an independent district, a district associated with CCSD, or a CSA
Mr. Gibson stated that he has supported districts and will in the future. Gibson further stated that a district may function better if it is aligned with an existing agency such as the CCSD. The CCSD could be the agency that processes the requirements of Prop. 218. He pointed out that special districts run the risk of becoming inadequately managed, staffed, and/or financed.
Mr. Gibson asked about the area to be covered by the district, the goals of the FMP, the public benefit, funding, and district responsibilities.
Dir. Hawley stated that a district would probably cover the Urban Reserve Line (URL). The URL would then be divided into management units with an emphasis on those units that require the greatest need. Other parts of the forest that are owned privately could also be included.
Dir. Hawley stated that the goal of a Forest Management District(FMD) would be the sustainability and regeneration of the forest, addressing hazardous trees, managing fuel load….The public benefit would include: managing wildlife, reducing fire hazards(resulting in affordable property insurance) maintaining a healthy forest which could improve property values….
Mr. Gibson emphasized the reduction of fire hazards as clearly being a public benefit and may be a good organizing principle in which to justify a district and to work cooperatively with the CCSD.
Dirs. Schassberger, Hawley, and Trask stated that an FMD could relieve County Code Enforcement responsibilities pertaining to the Cambria forest. Also, an FMD could take on more of the fuel reduction responsibilities currently being done by Cambria Fire.
Dir. Hawley emphasized the need for a professional Forester/ecologist to implement this program.
Mr. Gibson pointed out the City of San Luis Obispo’s Natural Resources Management section as a possible model for the FMD. Other models are possible but all would have to adhere to state statutes.
Mr. Gibson would ask County Council to review and comment on a drafted model of the FMD assuming that they had the authority to do so.
Dir. Hawley suggested that and FMD would have a sunset provision which would allow the public to decide whether or not to continue the program after a few years.
4.3 Annual Lot Clearing
Dir. Miller passed around the time frame schedule. The number of lots to be addressed for 2010 is 1852. 15 lots merged with improved properties and will be under Cal Fire jurisdiction. Capt. Bitto will be getting out more to make sure parcels are being flagged and that before and after photos are being taken.
5.0 New Business
Dir. Miller stated that the proposal to remove fallen trees on the Fiscalini Ranch using a Masticator was dropped. Dir. Trask asked to review this proposal using another piece of equipment that would have less impact such as a spider. The area could be small enough to qualify as a test plot. Dir. Miller stated that this could be looked at during the next funding cycle (December/January). Mr. Peters stated that a demonstration project from a private contractor might be a possibility in the interim. Dir. Hawley stated that PG&E might have money available to fund the demo.
Dir. O’Keefe announced that UC extension will be holding a demonstration using wildlife trail cameras on 5/25 at 8am in San Miguel(Miller ranch).
6.0 Dir. L. Swartz contacted Co. Public Works to attend a meeting that could put some of the Fern Cyn area on the list for undergrounding power lines. This area should qualify as a special circumstance.
Dir. Schassberger contacted Art Trinidade re: having a tree removed without a permit and is not hazardous to a structure. He was advised that the Sheriff should be called and photograph the tree(s) in question as evidence.
Dir. Miller stated that the Eucalyptus removal project was canceled.
7.0 Meeting adjourned. 8:12pmTrask/Seek
Next scheduled meeting at the Rabobank June 9, 2010 6pm.
Respectfully submitted by Brad Seek
Posted in Approved Minutes
Tagged Forest management district, Forest Management Plan, lot clearing, PG&E, utility undergrounding
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April 2010 Meeting Minutes
Cambria Forest Committee
Regular Meeting Minutes
April 14, 2010
Rabobank Meeting Room
1070 Main St. Cambria, Calif.
Directors Present: Brad Seek, Rob Trask, Crosby and Laura Swartz, Bill Schassberger, Tim O’Keefe, Art Trinidade, Rick Hawley, JoEllen Butler,
Guests Present: Kathe Tanner, Ralph Covell, Ben Boer, Catherine Ryan Hyde, Muril Clift, Erwin Ohannesian, Gee Gee Ashleck, Tommy Moreno.
1.0 Meeting called to order 6:05pm
2.0 April 14th 2010 minutes approved Trask/Swartz
3.0 Treasurers Rpt. $2577 in the Bank Account.
4.0 Sub Committee Rpts. Information/Action
4.1 Education/Planting/Mitigation
a. Dir. Hawley will be conducting an onsite training class(April 27th) to the lot clearing contractors with an emphasis on conserving native plants. Attendees will receive a certificate at the end of the 2hr. session.
b. Collaboration proposal with potential PG&E mitigation money. Dir. Hawley stated that Greenspace has been approached with a donation of approximately 5 acres of forested property. He asked the Board to consider funding the cost of a needed lot line adjustment and appraisal on this property. The land would be open to public benefit. Dir. Trinidade stated that Minor Use fees can be waved on a project like this. CFC Board members approved to be the recipient of PG&E Mitigation money possibly to pay for the survey. When the cost of doing the survey is known CFC will vote on weather to fund it. Schassberger/Trinidade.
c. Update on lots suitable for planting trees. Dir. Schassberger stated that a list of eligible CCSD lots would be needed(mitigation) in the event that there were a large number of seedlings to be planted. Private owners could simply be contacted through the newspaper. Dir. Trinidade stated that the county prefers to have offsite mitigation planting on lots that have no development rights. Mr. Boer suggested the possibility of using the Fiscalini Ranch as an offsite mitigation property with public/Coastal Conservancy approval and a change in the CC&r’s. Dir. Hawley suggested that the subcommittee search out the appropriate properties for mitigation planting and report back to the CFC Board.
d. 4H commitment to planting trees. Dir. Covell contacted the Outdoor Adventure group of 4H who expressed an interest in planting trees. Approximately 40 individuals would be involved.
4.2 Forest Management
a. Funding a special district. Dir. Hawley contacted Julie Rodewald(Co. Recorder) re: an Assessment District. She provided some names from the State who might assist the Board on prop 218 requirements. Dir. Trinidade reminded that Supr. Gibson will be attending the May meeting to discuss the matter. He also believed that a representative from Co. Public Works could offer some expertise on the subject.
b. CCSD meeting issue. Dir. Hawley was unable to address the Board in the last meeting due to some confusion in the way that the Cambria Fire Dept. arrived at the decision of removing Pine logs on Cambria properties.
4.3 Annual Lot Clearing Dir. Miller is not present to discuss the revised annual letter to property owners. Dir. Hawley will ask the Fire Chief to email a copy of the letter to CFC Board members. Dir. Schassberger stated that the contents of the letter were rearranged to emphasize the conservation of seedlings and to leave logs 12” or greater in place. The Fire Chief later decided(after subcommittee meeting) that the larger logs will have to be removed. CCSD Dir. Clift understands that the decision to remove the larger logs is because there is so much fuel on the ground this year. Kathe Tanner(Cambrian) will contact Chief Miller for further clarification.
5.0 New Business
Eucalyptus removal on public property. Mr. Boer(FFRP Ranch Mgr.) stated that the project proposal has been scaled down to cover only the ranch on the west side of hwy 1. Approximately 72 trees will be removed in a specific area(50’x400’) along with other invasive plants and will be replaced with native vegetation. This is the current proposal and is pending approval from the funding agency(NOAA). Dir. Hawley suggested leaving the large trees as dead snags for nesting. Consensus from CFC group on the proposal is favorable.
6.0 Public Comment. None.
7.0 Other
Mr. Covell stated that a Nature Conservancy representative is conducting a Fuel Model on the pine forest portion of his ranch(Covell Ranch). He will inform CFC on the results of this study.
Tom Morena is doing a school project and is asking members for any statistical information pertaining to the Monterey Pine Forest in Cambria.
Dir. Seek will receive $125.00 reimbursement for the purchase of 1000 peat pots. The pots will hold seedlings that will be planted on Fiscalini Ranch or other public places. Covell/Schassberger
Dir. Schassberger passed out copies of the CFC by-laws.
8.0 Adjournment 7:25pm Butler/Trask
Next Meeting will be May 12, 2010 at the Rabobank.
Respectfully submitted by Brad Seek
Posted in Approved Minutes
Tagged lot clearing, tree planting
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March 2010 Meeting Minutes
Cambria Forest Committee
Regular Meeting Minutes
March 10, 2010
Rabobank Meeting Room
1070 Main St. Cambria, Calif.
Directors Present: Brad Seek, Rick Hawley, Amanda Rice, Steve Bitto, Galen Rathbun, Rob Trask, Laura Swartz, Crosby Swartz, Bill Schassberger.
Guests Present: Alan Peters, Muril Clift. Ralph Covell.
1.0 Meeting called to order 6:05
2.0 February 10, 2010 minutes approved with the following corrections: Crosby and Laura are working with SLO Public Works (Not PG&E) to underground utilities. Greenspace planted 300 pines on the Warren Ranch. Hawley/Rice
3.0 Treasurer Rpt. Bank acct. same as last month: $2577. Rice/Rathbun
4.0 Sub Committee Rpts.- Information/action
4.1 Review/Revise Sub-Committee members
4.2 Forest Management Plan(Hawley, Okeefe, Covell, Rice)
Dir. Hawley made a presentation to CCSD Board Meeting on the benefits of an FMP. It was posted on the Greenspace website and there will be an article in the Cambrian.
Dir. Hawley will contact Julie Rodewald (Co. Recorder) to ask about attending a CFC meeting to discuss forming an FMP Assessment District.
4.3 Annual Vacant Lot Abatement – (Miller/Bitto, Butler, Seek, Trask, Covell) Capt. Bitto and Chief Miller met with CFC members to correct any differences in what was being sent to property owners and what was being sent to contractors. Also the wording in the letter(s) were changed to everyone’s satisfaction. Capt. Bitto also expressed the need to expand on the information at the CCSD website that would augment the abatement letter being sent to property owners.
Cambria Fire was advised by legal council that they had Citation authority. Dir. Rathbun stated that a number of Due Process steps needed to be taken before issuing a citation.
Capt. Bitto stated that the Fire Chief changed his mind about allowing some logs greater than 12” to remain on vacant lots(as was agreed earlier in a CFC subcommittee meeting) to having all downed logs greater than 12” be removed. Two reasons were deduced for the change: One being that the administration of this requirement needed to be consistent with what was being expected of homeowners, and the other was because of the large number of downed logs that needed to be addressed. Dirs. Hawley and Rathbun agreed with the excessive log concept but didn’t believe that it should be universally applied to every log on every lot. Dir. Trask asked if the unimproved lot owners and the homeowners requirements would be different anyway since they are under different jurisdictions. Dir. Schassberger recommended putting this issue on agenda for further discussion in April when Chief Miller returns. Dir. Rice suggested that the subcommittee meet with the Fire Chief before the next meeting.
Alan Peters (Cal Fire) stated that he is still new on the job and will be able to address his department’s view toward fuel reduction in the areas under his jurisdiction within the next couple of months. He generally favors education over enforcement and reasonable compromise.
Dir. Hawley stated that the countywide Fire Safe Council emphasized the need for more education in the last meeting.
4.4 Tree Planting and Education(Butler, Trask, Hawley, Schassberger, Crosby and Laura Swartz)
A. CFC oversight of mitigation planting. Dir. Rice stated that the Environmental Coordinator Ellen Carrol would put forward any plan that CFC would propose. Dir. Rice will ask Carrol about the scope of the project(# of trees per year, money paid for the work, administrative fees, inspections, …..) and report back to CFC for discussion.
Dir. Hawley wrote a letter to PG&E’s Lynn Cullen re: tree removal and trim list. but has not received a response.
Dir. Rathbun and Hawley discussed the current tree removal activities that are unpermitted and unmitigated.
Dir. Rice stated that the International Society of Arboriculture will accept and review complaints against certified Arborists.
Mr. Covell stated that the 4H group may be looking for a project. Nancy Taylor is the group leader. CFC invited 4H(Outdoor/Adventure sub group, Debbie Botros) to get involved in any or all activities(seed gathering, planting and caring).
Dir. Hawley will be teaching a certification class to lot abatement contractors Sometime in April on a Saturday. He also stated that Greenspace planted 700 Monterey pine seeds in pots for possible mitigation use.
Dir. Rathbun Expressed the need to establish a public registry of lots that could receive trees required through mitigation. Mr. Clift stated that CCSD could assist in supplying a list of District lots(and possibly retired/merged lots) that would be good candidates for the project. Alan Peters Suggested using an available map that identifies unimproved parcels which could then be overlayed with an aerial photo to identify the candidate parcels. Dir. Hawley will supply a list of Greenspace lots.
B.Progress rpt. On planted seedlings. Dir. Seek reported that about 70% of the pine seedlings survived on Fiscalini Ranch. The understory shrubs planted off the Tipton trail were also doing well. Dir. Schassberger reported that about 60% of the trees at the grammar school also survived. Laura Swartz reported that most of the planted seedlings in Fern Cyn. are doing well but should be weeded. Further plantings may be possible in April at the grammar school.
5.0 Previous Business
B. Dir. Rice will contact David Church for input on assessment district.
6.0 Public Comment. Dir Rice asked for input on the removal of Eucalyptus trees along Santa Rosa Creek. Dir. Hawley and Rathbun favored removal. Dir. Hawley also suggested that the stumps be treated with Garland to prevent sprouting and that the treating be performed by a licensed applicator.
7.0 CFC Elections Brad Seek- Secretary Hawley/Schassberger- Unanimous. Rob Trask-Treasurer Hawley/ Rathbun- unanimous. Rick Hawley-Vice Chairman-Rathbun/Schassberger-unanimous. Dir. Schassberger is the resigning the Chair. Position. No current nominees for the Chairman position.
Mr. Clift invited Dir. Hawley to speak at the next CCSD Board Meeting with regards to the Forest Management Plan.
8.0 Adjournment Rice/Swartz 7:59pm.
Next Meeting on April14, 2010 6pm at the Rabobank
Respectfully submitted by Brad Seek.
Posted in Approved Minutes
Tagged Forest Management Plan, lot clearing
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February 2010 Meeting Minutes
Cambria Forest Committee
Regular Meeting Minutes of February 10, 2010
Rabobank Meeting Room
1070 Main St.Cambria,Ca.
Directors present: Brad Seek, Rob Trask, Amanda Rice, Mark Miller, Rick Hawley, JoEllen Butler, Laura and Crosby Swartz,Bill Schassberger.
Guests Present: Janine Jacobs, Muril Clift, and Ralph Covell
1.0Meeting called to order: 6:13
2.0 January 10, 2010 minutes approved(Miller/Rice).
3.0 Treasurer Rpt. $1500 PG&E check was deposited. Account is $2577.
4.0 Subcommittee rpts.
4.1 Review/Revise members. Moved to March meeting.
4.2 Cambria FMP.
- Contacting Bruce Gibson and Julie Rodewald:No information this time.
- Contacting David Church. No information at this time.
- Advisory Committee status. Members Discussed ways to represent CFC concrns either directly with Bruce Gibson or with North Coast Advisory Council. Mr. Covell expressed concern about adding another advisory group to the Supervisor.
- Dir.Hawley passed out updated “benefits to implementing the CFMP” and suggested that CFC also draft a list of items that could occur if the plan wasn’t adopted. Mr. Clift suggested that the benefit list be presented at future CCSD meetings and then be posted on CCSD Webpage.
4.2 Annual Lot Clearing
- PG&E Discretionary Permit update. Dir. Rice Stated that information would be available at Bruce Gibson’s office next week.
- PG&E Compliance inf. Annual inspection completed, and all work will be identified by the end of March. Dir. Hawley stated that a qualified member of the community should be given an opportunity to inspect trees along with PG&E. Dir. Hawley will write a letter to Lynn Cullen (PG&E) requesting joint inspection.
Dir. Rice suggested that The Cambrian could publish an article providing information that allows property owners to deal more effectively with PG&E during the Compliance program. Dir. Sccassberger will contact Greg Saenz(PG&E) and the newspaper to insure that property owners are being properly informed.
Laura and Crosby Swartz are continuing to work with PG&E to put power lines underground.
- Lot Clearing Subcommittee will meet with Fire Cpt. Bitto re: “Request for Proposal” document. Subcommitte will also meet with Cambria Fire to discuss temporarily removing logs 12”-36” in diameter from Cambria lots.
4.3. Tree Planting and Education
A. A letter (to Environmetal Coordinator Ellen Carrol) asking that CFC take over the duties of Mitigation Planting will be drafted by Dir. Rice.
5.0 Previous Buisness. None
6.0 Public comment. None
7.0 Other. CCSD Dir. Clift stated that the current Ranch Manager(CCSD) will be retiring in 1 1/2 years. He encouraged CFC to lobby for a change in the job description for that position. New duties could include some of the lot clearing responsibilities that is being done by the Fire Dept. The new title could be “Resource Mgr”.
CFC directors discussed the kind of an emergency that would open up the terrace road on the Fiscallini Ranch to residents.
Dir. Miller discussed the proposed use of a Masticator to thin trees on the Fiscalini Ranch. Dir Butler will ask FFRP directors about this proposal. Dir. Hawley stated that the Masticator can do substantial root damage to surrounding trees and plants.
8.0 Adjournment 8:00 pm Clift/Rice
Next meeting is March 10,2010 at 6:00pm
Respectfully submitted by Brad Seek
Posted in Approved Minutes
Tagged Forest Management Plan, lot clearing, PG&E
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October 2009 Meeting Minutes
Cambria Forest Committee
Cambria CSD Suite #204
1316Tamson Drive
Cambria, CA 93428
DIRECTORS PRESENT: Brad Seek. Mark Miller. Galen Rathbun. Art Trinidade. Bill Schassberger. JoEllen Butler
Guests Present: Lynn Cullen, Laura Swartz, Crosby Swartz, Kathe Tanner, Judy Monaco, Janine Jacobs, Amanda Rice.
1.0 Meeting called to order: 6:05
2.0 August 26, 2009 minutes are approved (Butler/Miller)
3.0 PG&E received the old cash cards and will issue new ones.
4.0 Sub Committee Rpts.
4.1 Dir. Schassberger handed out a list of benefits (drafted by dir. Hawley) to the public when implementing the Forest Management Plan. He encouraged directors and guests to add to the list and bring it back to the next meeting.
5.1 Report from PG&E rep. (Lynn Cullen) on recent “Vegetation Management Action”. Reliability is a system-based program that started in 2007. The objective is to reduce outages that had been primarily caused by trees falling on the power lines. Between 2004-2006 there were 7 outages. 5 of those outages occurred during the fire season. 58 tree trims and 14 live tree removals occurred under reliability inNov/Dec of2007. Subsequent outages in 2008 and 2009 led to the tree removals that took place this year.
Targeted trees were Monterey Pines that had root or trunk failure, multiple stems, poor root structure, moderate to severe lean and Gall Rust. 76 trees were removed this year. Property owners were contacted and agreements were signed. Dir. Schassberger pointed out that some trees were cut without properly owner consent. Laura Swartz asked who
gave the homeowners permission to cut down trees without mitigation and permits.
Dir. Trinadade(County Code Enforcement) inspected all the trees that PG&E requested and approved about half of those trees to be removed.
The County had a subsequent discussion with the Coastal Commission and it was decided that a discretionary/land use permit would be required (under the Coastal Ordinance). It would address this year’s and any future reliability projects in Cambria. Mitigation would include a 6:1 tree replacement ratio. Any reliability project covering more than 10,000 sq.ft. (as measured by the canopy) would require a discretionary permit which includes Public notification, departmental review, andinput from other agencies such as CFC.
The permitting process will need to be completed prior to any activities in the future. Most of Cambria willbe treated as an Environmentally Sensitive Habitat Area (ESHA) and therefore most projects of this kind will require Environmental Review. Dept. Recommendation could be anything from Negative Declaration to Environmental Impact Report.
County Planning Commission will have the final authority to approve the permit.
Once the process is completed the approved permit will be ongoing and last indefinitely. The parameters in the approved permit cannot be amended except by the applicant with county approval.
Dir. Trinadade pointed out the Forest Management Plan could be used as a basis or justification for the way projects, such as Reliability would be handled.
Cullen expressed the possibility of undergrounding lines as away to reduce outages butthis comes with some challenges such as high installation expense, root damage and maintenance problems.
Dir. Rathbun expressed concern about Reliability being done year after year as this would rapidly deplete existing mature trees. He also emphasized the need for mitigation onwhat has already been done.
Fern Canyon issues. With regard to who has the approval authority to remove trees on Conservation easements, Ms. Cullen suggested that Cambria CSD (who has the maintenance contract) review the conservation agreement with the Land Conservancy.
Cullen concluded after conducting an audit that the cut logs must be removed, as it was a condition oftheir contract agreement. Other logs will also be removed on the Ardath corridor as well. Directors and Guests expressed concern over the damage that would be created in removing the logs especially if the ground is wet. Dirs. Rathbun and Schassberger suggested that as many logs as possible be left in place to rot. Dir. Miller didn’t believe that the logs left in place would pose a fire hazard. The Swartz’s wanted logs that were along the right ofway and leaning against standing trees, removed.
Ms. Cullen responded to complaints regarding a lack of public notification that PG&E would do a better job of informing the community in advance of any forest projects unrelated to the regular compliance program.
Dir. Schassberger asked that PG&E and the County review the 9 questions expressed in the previous meeting to make sure that the concerns were adequately answered.
4.2 Annual lot clearing Covered in the PG&E report
4.3 Tree Planting and Education
a. Fiscalini Ranch-Planting on Nov 29 at 10am-12noon Over 350 trees to be planted with 53 sign upvolunteers. Dir. Butler is coordinating. Meet at Tipton trailhead.
b. Grammar School- Nov 21 at the school 10am-12noon Dir. Schassberger will coordinate.
c. Fern Canyon- Dec 19 9:30-10:30am. Blair McCormick will be coordinating.
d. Cambria teenagers from the Youth Center. They will be used either to plant at the Grammar school or on the Fiscalini Ranch.
e. County and State Codes document presented to CCSD Directors by Galen Rathbun. Amanda Rice Volunteered to put the codes on the NCAC website and possibly other web sites. Dir. Rathbun invited anyone email him with a request for the codes and he will reply with a PDF.
5.0 Previous Business
5.2 Abbreviation ofthe CFC Mission Statement. Dir. Miller will bring the draft for the next meeting.
5.3 New CFC meeting location and dates. Next meeting to be held 6pm at the Rabo Bank. Future location and dates will be discussed.
6.0 Public Comment
7.0 Other. Amanda Rice thanked Fiscalini Ranch and CFC members for attending the 350 event. People were very pleased with the tree donations and the various signups.
8.0 Meeting adjourned 7:57pm
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August 2009 Meeting Minutes
Cambria Forest Committee
August 26,2009
Cambria CSD Suite #204
131 6 Tamson Drive
Cambria, CA 93428
DIRECTORS PRESENT: Grea Saenz. Brad Seek. Bill Schassberaer. Galen Rathbun. Rick Hawlev. Pat Bouldin. JoEllen Butler. Mark Miller.
GUESTS PRESENT: Muril Clift. Mike Rice. Amanda Rice. Crosby Swartz. Laura Swartz. Joiie Martinez. Alan Peters, Phil Veneris.
1.0 Meeting called to order 6:06 pm
2.0 May 27th minutes approved (No Quorum June and July)
Public Comment: PG&E reps. Greg Saenz and Jojie Martinez discussed the new Reliability program and how it was implemented in Cambria during August. The program implemented tree removal and limb cutting primarily to reduce potential outages, which is different from the ongoing Compliance program.
Dir. Rathbun and Mr. Clift explained that the community should have been informed before the project began, not after. Mr. Clift, Mr. Rice, the Swartz’s, Dir. Miller, and Dir. Hawley complained about the problems being created by leaving an excessive amount of the trees on the around (increased expenses for program /owners, a broodery for bark beetles, roadhazards, damage to healthy trees,
increased fire hazards, logging, and an investigation by the Coastal Commission
for CEQA violations.) Mr. Clift and Dir. Hawley expressed a need to mitigate the
problem which would include removing much bf the downed trees at the utility’s
expense, and planting trees to replace the ones that were taken out. Mr. Clift and
Dir Rathbun asked if the Reliability program is subject to existing tree removal
Dir. Saenz and Mr. Martinez recognize the problems. They explained that an audit of the contractor (Mountain Firewood) was being conducted. Saenz stated that homeowners signed an agreement to have trees removed. Those agreements will be reviewed. PG&E received a Permits(s) from County Code Enforcement (signed by Art Trinidade) The CCSD, Land Conservancy, and local newspaper were not contacted prior to work. PG&E will report back to the community as early as in a couple of weeks.
3.0 Treasurer Report. Treasurer was not present
4.0 Sub Committee Reports
4.1 Cambria Forest Mgt. Plan (FMP). Dir. Schassberger suggested that each director come up with 3 or 4 ideas on how the FMP can benefit the community. Dir. Hawley reminded that the committee discussed having a symposium/workshop earlier. The symposium could have a series of speakers who would discuss community benefits such as clean water, shading, soil conservation, flood control, effective interface with agencies, effective carbon
4.2 Annual Lot Clearing. Dir. Schassberger discussed the need for the subcommittee to meet concerning contractor specifications. Dir. Miller asked members if they had any observations regarding this years lot clearing program. Dir. Hawley stated that some of the contractors improved their methods but others had not. Dir. Rathbun expressed the need to coordinate the RFP. All directors agreed that it would better to extend the deadline for fire clearance but administrative problems prevent that at this time. Cal Fire reps. stated that their vegetation removal policy is now being implemented on a year round basis.
4.3. Tree Planting and Education. Dir. Schassberger said that the Monterey Pines that were planted at the grammar school are being tended and doing well. Dir. Hawley stated that Greenspace could provide more trees for further planting at the school. He also said that there may be more trees available to plant in Fern Canyon. In addition Greenspace will be planting another 500 trees in the San Simeon Creek area.
Dir. Rathbun stated that he adopted a pocket park near his home and is planting trees. He suggested to the Swartz’s that they do the same near their Fern Canyon home.
4.4 Membership Outreach Dir. Bouldin stated that the list is complete with the exception of a contact for APCD.
5.0 Old Business
5.1 Compilation of state codes pertaining to the Forest will be distributed5.0 Old Business
5.1 Compilation of state codes pertaining to the Forest will be distributed in the October meeting to the directors. Mr. Clift suggested that the codes could be presented to CCSD staff and the public at the next CCSD Director meeting on October 1st. Dir. Rathbun will make the presentation. Amanda Rice invited the committee to send a representative to speak to NCAC.
5.2 Revision of Mission Statement. Dir. Bouldin Suggested that the current statement remain as is in the By Laws but be abbreviated in the Directory. Dir. Miller agreed to draft the abbreviated version for the next meeting.
6.0 Public comment.
7.0 The Cambria Forest committee thanks County Code Enforcement (Art Trinidade) for printing the compendium of regulations pertaining to the Forest.
8.0 Meeting adjourned at 7:45pm
Next meeting September 23rd
May 2009 Meeting Minutes
Cambria Forest Committee
May 27, 2009
Cambria CSD Suite #204
1316Tamson Drive
Cambria, CA 93428
DIRECTORS PRESENT: Bill Schassberger. Rob Trask. Galen Rathbun. Mark Miller, Rick Hawley. JoEllen Butler. Bryan Bode. Pat Bouldin. Brad Seek.
GUESTS PRESENT: Howard Vallens and Art Trinidade.
1.0 Meeting called to order 6:03 pm
2.0 April 22nd minutes approved (Rathbun/Butler)
3.0 Treasurer Report. $1900 (debit cards) and another $500 grant coming. Dir Rathbun was unable to cash the $1500 debit card. Dir. Trask will contact either the debit card co. (Chase) or PG&E or a liaison to reactivate old cards, get new cards issued, or have Chase send a check. Mr. Trinidade will send name and number of a PG&E contact.
Dir. Hawley will receive approximately $400 reimbursement from CFC for teaching certification classes to lot clearing contract workers.
3.1 501-C status. Dir. Trask said that CFC status is active. Dir. Hawley will look into the need to file with IRS/Franchise Tax Board as this may be required to maintain active status.
4.0 Sub Committee Reports
4.1 Cambria Forest Mgt. Plan (FMP). Dir. Hawley invited the directors to email ideas that would help form an agenda for a speaker series that would be open to the public. This would be in lieu of having an individual speaker that was originally planned. A proposed agenda will be brought back to CFC for refinement and approval. Appropriate speakers would be approached for participation after the agenda is approved.
Dirs. reiterated the need to get the FMP out to the public through events like the speaker series possibly once or twice a year. It may also lead to the best way to fund the FMP (Local assessment, CCSD budgeting, grants, other agencies )
4.2 Annual Lot Clearing. All lot-clearing contractors have taken the certification class except Buddy Campo (Bushwhackers 1). Dir. Miller stated that Campo will have to take the class if he is not currentlycertified. Bushwhackers 1 are going to receive the contract to clear CCSD property, which includes Fiscallini Ranch Preserve.
Dir. Miller reiterated that he is in favor of implementing the FMP, as it would remove most of the lot clearing burdens away from his staff. The Fire Dept would then need only to be an adviser to a Forester. If the community could become less polarized through more cooperation and respect, the FMP would have a greater chance of being implemented.
4.3. Tree Planting and Education. CFC directors will be asked to send a list of current benefits to the community that an implemented Forest Management Plan could offer (Butler/Bode).
Dir. Hawley completed 3 certification classes.
Committee members will comment on Fire Dept. Documents (including Exhibit C) pertaining to tat clearance. These comments will be sent to the Fire Chief (Dir. Miller) for review.
Mr. Trinidade suggested the possibility of participating in Arbor Day.
4.4 Membership Outreach. Dir. Bouldin is finishing the updated email list. A new list will be provided to members when all emails and contacts are received. All groups and individuals will receive an agenda and minutes of CFC meetings and be encouraged to participate.
5.0 Old Business
5.1 Dir. Rathbun and Mr.Vallens presented a compendium of codes pertinent to Native Monterey Pines (mostly in Cambria) for comments. Directors and guests made deletions and additions. Mr. Trinidade offered to have the county make 100 copies of the final draft. Directors have volunteered to do the binding.
6.0 Public comment. None
7.0 Other
8.0 Meeting adjourned 7:15 pm Rathbun/Hawley
Next meeting: June 24th.
Respectfully submitted by Brad Seek
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April 2009 Meeting Minutes
Cambria Forest Committee
April 22, 2009
Cambria CSD Suite #204
1316Tamson Drive
Cambria, CA 93428
DIRECTORS PRESENT: Rob Trask, Rick Hawley, Pat Bouldin, Brad Seek. Bill
Schassberger, Galen Rathbun, Jo Ellen Butler.
1.0 Meeting called to order 6:03pm
2.0 Minutes approved with the following correction. Greenspace has not planted the additional 500 Monterey Pines but will in the near future (Bouldin/Trask).
3.0 Treasurer Report. No Change. Balance is a little over $1900. Some additional funds may be needed to cover expenses for training lot clearing contractors. (Trask/Bouldin)
4.0 Sub-Committee Reports
4.1 Cambria Forest Mgt. Plan(FMP). Dir. Hawley will speak to the CCSD on behalf of CFC and Greenspace to include the FMP as it pertains to the property they own such as the Fiscallini Ranch. He will request that CCSD allocate staff time to write a grant or come up with a funding method to hire a consultant to implement the FMP (Hawley/Rathbun). Dir. Butler suggested the need to approach individual CCSD Board members on the need to implement the Plan.
4.2 Annual Lot Clearing.
a. Dir. Hawley observed that the Notice to clear lots only has the APN on the envelope and not the letter. It could confuse property owners as to what the letter relates to. The Fire Chief will be providing APN’s on all pertinent lots to the CFC. Dir. Schassberger stated that this information could be used to verify contractor performance.
Dir. Hawley suggested a CEQA overlay in the process of lot clearing to allow a provision of mitigation if too much native vegetation is removed.
b. A 2009 list of approved contractors will be provided to CFC after this year’s training program is finished.
c. Dirs. Trask, Schassberger, Butler, and Rathbun met with the Fire Chief to edit the Notice to clear the Lots document. The Fire Chief was very receptive to the changes. Dir. Butler will send a Thank You letter to the Chief on behalf of CFC.
4.3 Tree Planting and Education. Dir. Butler will contact Bert Etling to discuss putting a series of articles pertaining to the forest in the Cambrian. Dir Hawley will be teaching certification class on April 23rd and 27th.
A motion was approved to set aside $200 for expenses related to bringing Deborah Rogers (Geneticist/Ecologist) to Cambria. (Rathbun/Butler).
4.4 Membership Outreach. Dir. Bouldin asked all present at the meeting to provide any names of representatives not already on the distribution list. She will contact the remaining board members not present to help complete the distribution list.
5.0 Old Business
5.1- 501-c status. Dir. Trask will pick up all pertinent 501-c information from Dir. Kalshan possibly to be reassigned to another director.
6.0 No public comment.
7.0 Other. Dir. Butler was unable to use the debit cards through FFRP. A motion was approved to allow Dir. Rathbun to use the debit cards for private purchases in exchange for cash. (Schassberger/Seek)
A motion was approved to fund putting together a list of State codes pertaining to the forest. It would be in tabular form with a table of contents: Those related to the fire codes and those applicable to forest protection. (50 copies).
Meeting Adjourned at 7:15pm. (Schassberber/Hawley)
Next meeting onMay27th, 2009.
Respectfully submitted by Brad Seek.
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Tagged 2009, April, Forest, Minutes
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