May 2015 Minutes


Minutes May 2015



May 13, 2015   6:30 PM

LOCATION:  Rabobank, 1070 Main Street, Cambria, CA 93428

Call to Order and Establish a Quorum: Crosby and Laura Swartz, JoEllen Butler, FFRP, Bruce Mumper, FFRP, Christine Heinrichs, Greenspace. Connie Gannon, executive director of Greenspace. Visitors: Julie Jorgenson, lives near Fern Canyon, Tony Church, Ken Persinger, Kathy Hurrle.

New item added to agenda: Ask the Experts Question and Answer. This is intended  as a public comment and educational time for the public to participate and then leave if their questions have been answered.

Minutes of April 8 meeting approved as amended.

Treasurer’s report from Laura Swartz: No transactions, balance continues at $1,337.39. $350 of that is from the Community Council grant for the interpretive signs.

Sub-committee reports:

Education/Planting/Mitigation/Operations: Laura Swartz reports good news, that the sign could be placed a the Main Street access to FFRP. The location is on county Right of Way, so the county will have to approve it. That is usual, provided the adjacent landowner has no objection. Laura spoke with the owner of the BlueBird Motel, who is enthusiastic in support. She will also present it to NCAC. Further discussions will be scheduled with Greenspace to place the other sign on one of Greenspace’s properties. Connie Gannon will arrange with Rick Hawley, operations manager.

Website Updates and Additions: Minutes and the interpretive sign have been added to the web site by Christine Heinrichs. Other possible future additions are a Q&A; the Greenspace brochure illustrating native and non-native vegetation; information about watering trees; an article from Sunset that Connie Gannon has regarding saving trees; the section in the Forest Management Plan on watering; and the county ordinance on tree removal and mitigation.

Pre-Planning for Forest Restoration: Crosby Swartz expressed a need for tracking tree removal and having aplan for restoration as a condition for the CSD’s adoption of the Emergency Tree Removal Permit, scheduled for consideration at the following day’s Special CSD Meeting. In the event, that item was removed from the agenda.

Discussion covered the number of trees being removed by the county, 126, but trees are also being removed by the CSD, PG&E and private owners.

JoEllen Butler reported that Sarah Bisbing’s Cal Poly forestry class is collecting information about tree mortality on FFRP, Rancho Marino and Covell Ranch, to support the Cap & Trade Greenhouse Gas grant application. Dan Turner is preparing that application, due June 10. Data will include soil type, infestations and all factors that affect tree health. Future funding could allow more extensive analysis.

Fog Moisture Project Planning: Connie Gannon reports three more people are building fog catchers. There has been so little fog that Rick Hawley’s has not collected any measurable moisture. Possibly a screen would collect more than the filament Rick is using.

CCSD Blanket Tree Removal Permit: Crosby plans to attend the meeting sand offer the Forest Committee’s help in creating a reforestation plan for long-term mitigation. Others mentioned that the county does not enforce its regulations and therefore, no one is held accountable. The mitigation ratio needs to be clarified, at 1:4 or greater. Homeowners need to sign a release to commit to replanting. Trees can be successfully pl;anted during the drought. FFRP trees planted three and four years ago are doing well. Waiting until the drought is over increases the chance that trees will never be planted. The Forest Committee could present the CSD with a plan that would enable the CSD to act. Crosby and Laura Swartz, Ken Persinger and Christine Heinrichs committed to attending the CSD Special Meeting and submitting comments.

Bruce Mumper reported that Shirley Bianchi and Susan MacDonald are starting a new Fire Safe Committee.

Greenspace and Growing Grounds in San Luis Obispo have Monterey Pine seedlings from local seeds.

Laura Swartz will have postcard-size copies of the interpretive sign made for use as calling cards and meeting invitations at a cost of $44 per hundred. Moved by Bruce Mumper and seconded by JoEllen Butler to unanimous approval.

The Forest Committee needs a forest ecology expert who can advise on best practices. The Committee will consider how to identify a person, perhaps from Cal Poly or some retired person from the community to assist in saving the forest.

Unfinished Business:

New permit applications: Crosby found no trees will be affected on the permit application he reviewed. Tony Church differed, said several will be killed by the proposed construction. Crosby will review.

Locations for Tree Planting: A list compiled by Galen Rathbun exists. A notice could be placed in the Cambrian asking for property owners who are willing to have trees planted on their property.

Public Comment:

Ken Persinger reported that he has been working with the fire department on defensible space and chipping events. He is in favor of the emergency tree removal permit to help homeowners remove dead trees.

“We need to take an optimistic view,” said Laura Swartz. “We can look like this again. Where do we go from here?”

Next meeting June 10, 2010.

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