October 2014 Minutes



MEETING MINUTES October 8, 2014 Download pdf here Minutes October 2014

TIME:   6:30 PM

LOCATION:  Rabobank, 1070 Main Street, Cambria, CA 93428

1.0  Call to Order and Establish a Quorum: Laura and Crosby Swartz, Tony Church, Alan Peters (Cal Fire) JoEllen Butler, Bruce Mumper (FFRP), Amanda Rice, Christine Heinrichs.

2.0  Guest Speaker – Paul Williams, Manager Orkin Horticultural Services

Mr. Williams spoke on Pitch Pine Canker and other pine and oak diseases. His academic and professional background is as a horticulturalist rather than an arborist. He uses chemical fungicides and pesticides to treat Pitch Pine Canker and the Red Turpentine and Ips Engraver beetles that are associated with it. He is aware of the hazards of toxic chemical use. He will consult and evaluate anyone’s trees without charge. (805) 541-3445 ext 1, cell (805) 458-0042, paul.williams@orkinslo.com

3.0  Approve Minutes of Previous Meeting

Minutes to be revised for approval at November meeting.

4.0  Treasurer’s Report

Laura Swartz reported $920.56. The permanent interpretive sign has been made by The Sign Place in San Luis. $17.71 remains from the Cambria Community Council grant.

5.0  Sub-Committee Reports

5.1 Education/Planting/Mitigation/Operations

Guest Speaker and Publicity for November Meeting

Vari MacNeil will give a presentation on Beautify Cambria Association at November’s meeting.

Review Invitation Letter and Address List

Ms. Rice will ask CSD staff to check for updates on the missing contact information on the CFC list.

Pine Forest Interpretive Sign Location – Sign Delivered

Next a location and method of mounting it will be determined. Amanda Rice will help on location.

Cambria Community Council Grant Application

Ideas for applying for another grant for 2015 were discussed. Another application for continuing the sign project; conservation flags; rack cards and tri-fold brochures are possible.

PG&E Reliability Program – County Information

Art Trinidade is back at work. Locations for planting mitigation trees were discussed.  The Fitzwater Canyon Reserve, the conservation easement along Hwy 1 west of Liemert, the intersection of Burton and Hwy 1 where trees are being removed, Fern Canyon, the area near Laylon’s home are all possible locations. Confer with Rick Hawley at Greenspace for recommendations.

5.2 Forest Management

Western Forestry Leadership Coalition Grant Report

Alan Peters of Cal Fire has no report as to why our application was not funded or which ones were.

2014/15 Cap & Trade and SRA Grant Programs

These are eight separate programs which have funds to be distributed. See separate communication for links and details. Proposals are due in mid-November. Cambria’s various agencies and organizations (CFC, Cal Fire, FFRP, Greenspace, others) will collaborate on one or more proposals under the leadership of one organization, to be determined. NeoNative Monterey Pine Forests, weed removal, wildlife/urban interface are among possible projects.

6.0  New Business

7.0  Unfinished Business

7.1  Recommend Locations for 40 Mitigation Trees for the 20 pine trees scheduled for PG&E removal

Potential for some at 3261 Pine St (East Ranch)

8.0  Public Comments

Several members of the public attended to hear Mr. Williams presentation and left after that.

9.0  Adjournment

Next Meeting November 12, 2014

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