Minutes May 2020



Minutes May 2020

May 13, 2020, 6:30 PM

Zoom.com Video Teleconference

The meeting was called to order and a Quorum established by attendance of directors Crosby and Laura Swartz, Julie Jorgenson, Paul Nugent, and Christine Heinrichs. FFRP executive director Kitty Connolly, David Krause and Melissa Mooney, president, of California Native Plant Society, Harry Farmer, president of the Cambrian Community Services District board and CSD liaison, and Bob Fountain, Greenspace director also attended.

Public and Director Comments: Crosby Swartz suggested considering Dave Krause a director emeritus, as he is one of the founders of CFC.

Minutes of April Meeting were approved with one amendment.

Treasurer’s Report:  Laura Swartz reported that the balance remains unchanged at $983.60. Preparation of taxes has been deferred due to Covid-19 deadline extension. Mechanics Bank sent her paperwork that does not allow for a no-charge nonprofit checking account category. The alternative Business category carries a charge of $15 a month. She will inquire of the branch manager whether charges can be waived.

Sub-Committee Reports


Transfer of CCSD Conservation Easement Parcels

Several property owners have offered to purchase undeveloped conservation easement lots from the CSD. Although that would relieve the CSD of maintenance responsibility, the cost savings would be minimal and having multiple owners would make easement enforcement difficult. Harry Farmer will confer with District Counsel Tim Carmel and SLO Land Conservancy deputy executive director Daniel Bohlman. Crosby will compile a list of agencies involved and relevant documents to be posted to the Forest committee web site.

 Permit Referrals

NCAC is now posting links to current permit applications on its web site, https://ncacslo.org/may-2020-land-use-committee/. The two new applications do not involve any tree removal.


DRC2020-00053 SANDOVAL

Settimi, Hench, Kausen and Bookout permit applications remain pending. The Settimi permit application for new house construction has been appealed and is scheduled for a hearing before the Board of Supervisors July 14.

The CambriaCa Newsletter Articles

John Rohrbaugh has started a weekly online newspaper, https://www.cambriaca.org/. Paul and Crosby are contributing articles about the Cambria Forest Committee. Deadline Wednesdays for Thursday publication.

Forest Management

Forest Management Task Force CRPG Survey

The Forest Management Task Force Coastal Regional Prioritization Group (CRPG) is soliciting information about forest health and fire prevention projects that participants are interested in initiating in the next one to three years. The Forest Committee could participate by suggesting hiring a forest ecologist to manage the Monterey Pine forest. Christine and Crosby will pursue it. Deadline June 10.

The CRPG will have a Q&A conference call in two weeks for people to discuss the survey and ask questions.  This Q&A conference call will be on Friday May 29, 2020 at 10:00 am via Zoom.  You can connect via the following link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85315214170 or call in number: (669) 900-6833, and enter Meeting ID: 853 1521 4170.

 Dwarf Mistletoe Monitoring and Treatment 

Crosby and Laura Swartz used a treatment, the growth regulator brand Florel, that works well to discourage Dwarf Mistletoe on Monterey Pine trees. They have observed it growing on Fiscalini Ranch Preserve trees. Kitty Connolly suggested informing Carlos Mendoza. Dwarf Mistletoe can damage pine trees and even kill small ones. More information about mechanical and chemical control of Dwarf Mistletoe is available from the University of California at ipm.ucanr.edu/PMG/PESTNOTES/pn7437.html.

Report from Fire Safe Focus Group

Kitty reported that the FSFG is not holding live meetings during the Covid-19 crisis. Dave and Melissa met with Dan Turner for a field tour of several French Broom treatment sites in Cambria. The Fire Safe Council has a multi-year plan to remove French Broom infestations, including follow-up inspections and treatment.

New Business

Sudden Oak Death Survey May 16th – 18th. 

Those who want to participate can pick up information packages on Saturday in San Luis Obispo and Atascadero. More information at https://nature.berkeley.edu/news/2020/03/call-citizen-scientists-2020-sudden-oak-death-blitzes.

Unfinished Business

Forest Impact Mitigation Measure 

The Forest Committee letter addresses the impact on the forest of constructing 400-500 new houses in forest areas of Cambria. Crosby sent it on behalf of the Forest Committee to the CCSD board president, the CSD general manager, County Planning Department, and the Coastal Commission, to include it in the consideration of the Coastal Development Permit for the Emergency Water Supply Project.

Crosby also sent the Forest Committee’s survey comment letter to Cal Poly graduate student Erin Lucett, elucett@calpoly.edu, and her advisor, Dr Yamina Pressler, ypressle@calpoly.edu. No response from either.

The meeting was adjourned at 7:22 pm.

Next Meeting June 10, 2020

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