January 9, 2019, 6:30 PM
Cambria Rabobank, 1070 Main Street
A Quorum was established by attendance of directors Crosby and Laura Swartz, Julie Jorgenson, Paul Nugent, JoEllen Butler of FFRP, and Christine Heinrichs. Cambria CSD director Harry Farmer, liaison to the Forest Committee, and Gordon Heinrichs also attended.
The meeting began with Rick Hawley speaking on “Importance of Planting Monterey Pines.” About 20 people attended. See separate report.
Minutes of the December Meeting were approved as written.
Laura Swartz gave the Treasurer’s Report: $750.04 in December was increased to$1,204, by directors’ $450 in donations to defray the cost of insurance.
Sub-Committee Reports
Website Domain Name Renewal: Paul contacted Amanda to change the account to the Cambria Forest Committee. There will be a small cost to create a GoDaddy account.
Fire Safe Focus Group meeting: The Fire Safe Council has been successful in getting grants: The SRA Cambria East Village Tree Mortality grant in the amount of $199,976, which expires 3/10/2019 and is nearly completed at this time, intended to maintain the fuel break above Bridge Street; The Greenhouse Gas Cambria Health Care grant, which began 12/01/15 and expires 12/30/2019. This grant total was $498,736 and as of 11/10/2018 there is $253,423 remaining. This grant funded the broom removal and will continue to do so until 12/30/2019 or the money is expended; and the Monterey Pine Tree Mortality grant, $1.8 million. Fire Chief William Hollingsworth has been invited to apply for two additional grants, totaling about $80,000, to remove dead vegetation (fuel) from the other side of Highway 1 corridor, east side Burton to Cambria Drive, and the canyon area between the low income housing and Tin City.
Timber Harvest Permits for the work will be issued under the Forest Practice Act. The Forest Committee will pursue information as to when public hearings will be held.
Cambria CSD is considering whether the Cambria Fire Department should take over responsibility for inspecting developed lots from Cal Fire, as well as its current responsibility for vacant lot weed abatement. Discussion as to how the CFD can handle additional responsibility. Fire hydrant inspections have not yet been completed. Lots are inspected once a year, when twice could result in better weed reduction. CSD Director Harry Farmer suggested funding could come from Cal Fire, SRA fees and the Cap & Trade funds.
Farmer noted that larger houses, approved by the County, which receives fees based on square footage, require more trees to be removed. Director Julie Jorgenson reported that he insurance company rates fire risk based on population density. Director Paul Nugent said, “Paradise redefined how people look at wildfire,” referring to the Camp Fire, which burned during November 2018, destroying the Northern California town of Paradise.
New Business
Mel Dorin has appealed a Planning Commission MUP approval of a separate structure. A public hearing will be held before the Board of Supervisors February 5. See attached documents.
Beautify Cambria Association has applied for a grant to improve the lot around Rabobank. The application does not account for continuing maintenance. With additional support, this project could be worthwhile. It needs a clearer plan with follow-up.
JoEllen Butler reported that the county may be contemplating changes that would prohibit logs being left on the ground. Logs could be required to be cut into sections and set on end. How the piles of waste on Winsor Trucking property will be disposed of needs to be determined. The Forest Committee will ask Supervisor Bruce Gibson’s new legislative assistant, Blake Fixler,, for further information.
The meeting, shortened because of the special speaker, adjourned at 8:45.
Next Meeting February 13, 2019