April 13, 2016 MEETING MINUTES
6:30 PM, Cambria Rabobank, 1070 Main Street
Attending: Quorum of Directors Crosby and Laura Swartz, JoEllen Butler, Bruce Mumper, Connie Gannon, Christine Heinrichs. Vari MacNeil and Nancy Anderson. Kathe Tanner, Cambria reporter.
Ask the Experts Q&A: Crosby Swartz proposed adding Public Comment to the beginning of the meeting, so that those who have something to tell the committee don’t have to wait until the end of the meeting. Approved by general agreement.
Vari MacNeil presented information on the upcoming Greenspace and Beautify Cambria Association Save the Trees, Save the Bees Weekend, April 30-May 1. Greenspace will hold an Arbor Day Concert featuring the Zen Mountain Poets on Saturday April 30 and BCA will hold its first Bee Faire Sunday May 1.
Minutes of January and March Meetings were approved. January minutes as amended regarding Amanda Rice’s resignation announcement. March minutes approved as written.
Treasurer’s Report: Laura Swartz reported little change from March. The bank account balance is $2,301.03, of which $596.18 is the Cambria Community Council grant. Lynn Singer still working on the tax statement. CFC has used $4 from the grant.
Sub-Committee Reports
Website Hosting change has been completed. Christine Heinrichs will obtain information on billing for the domain name. She will set up contact information for volunteers to connect with the Forest Committee. A donation page is planned for the future.
Living in a Forest Brochure: Vari MacNeil presented a final draft. Connie Gannon objected to the name, as Greenspace already has a brochure by that name. The brochure will be titled At Home in the Forest. Vari will circulate to directors for final approval.
Historical Society Kiosk Exhibit: Laura worked with Consuelo Machado to complete the display. The glass is frosty and will be replaced. Laura proposes making a trifold brochure with the CFC sign on one side and Forest Committee meeting dates, ways to volunteer and donate, and pine life cycle on the other, to be available at the kiosk.
The Wildland Urban Interface event to be held May 5 will include a Fire Safety Fair at the Santa Rosa Catholic Church. The committee decided by consensus to participate. Laura will contact Suzy McDonald to inform her that the Forest Committee would like to have a table there. Laura will get the At Home in the Forest flyers ready, have Tales of the Cambria Forest, use the sign as a backdrop. Christine Heinrichs will staff the table, others welcome.
Forest Management
Forest Committee Projects / Grants: Crosby suggests being alert to grant possibilities for the Forest Committee. Possible projects could focus on invasive weed control in areas not covered by FRP or Greenspace, such as county and CSD easements and PG&E and Cal Trans rights of way. Cape Ivy is overrunning some areas. Laura has contained it by pulling from zones. Connie reports that Fish & Wildlife is looking at developing biocontrols.
Report From Fire Safe Focus Group
Grant Status, SRA and Western States Forestry: Connie Gannon reported on the grants. The county Fire Safe Council has received the GHG grant of $500,496. The Western States $250,000 has been received. No funds have yet been disbursed, as the council awaits final decisions on other possible funds. Cal Fire and the Council are researching the status of the $1.2 million grant application for funds from the $8 million statewide funds. Alan Peters displayed lumber and an Appalachian chair made from the lumber milled from downed trees. Flooring could be made, but a different mill will have to handle that.
The Biomass prototype plant is still under consideration. The noise level it produces will be examined, reported at 60 dB at 30 feet.
Two Cal Poly grads reported on Dr. Sarah Bisbing’s forest research project. They are collecting data from plots they are marking on FRP, Covell Ranch and Rancho Marino.
The general consensus is that the El Nino predictions for rainfall were not fulfilled. Rainfall for the are was 16 inches, less than average 20 inches. Growth of grasses will add fuel to dry forests and create high fire danger conditions.
Report From CCSD Special Meeting: Crosby Swartz was appointed, with Laura Swartz as alternate, by Greg Sanders to serve on the Buildout Reduction Plan Citizens Committee. The committee will hold open meetings. Connie said that at least two lots that were retired are now under consideration for development. She will send those lot identifications to the Forest Committee.
“Having a BRP that has a chance of working is the best hope for the forest,” he said. “In the long run, the biggest threat to the forest is development, not fire, disease, or drought.”
New Business
Recommendations to NCAC on Orellana Permit Application: CSD General Manager has referred a permit application for construction of a new two-story house at 930 Drake, without a previous water connection, to NCAC. NCAC has not made a determination on what to recommend for this application yet. Forest Committee members are asked to visit the site and consider it. Two large oak trees and one Monterey Pine will be removed. One of the oaks is at least 80 years old.
“It’s home to all kinds of migrating birds,” said Vari MacNeil of the NCAC Land Use Committee. “We are on the Pacific flyway, and should be working harder to protect habitat. We cut one tree here and one tree there, and habitat is going away one tree at at time. It will take 80 years to replace that habitat.”
Cambria remains under a Stage 3 Water Emergency and Building Moratorium pending adequate water supply.
Unfinished Business
Environmental Representative Endorsement Letter to NCAC: was written by Crosby Swartz, circulated to directors and mailed to NCAC chairman Bruce Fosdike, who thanks the Forest Committee for it.
Agenda Items and Speakers for Next Month: No speaker is yet scheduled for May. Dan Turner may be available. Cal Poly professor Sarah Bisbing will speak at the June 8 meeting.
Meeting adjourned at 8:30 pm.
Next Meeting May 11, 2016