February 2015 Minutes


11 February 2015 6:30 PM, Rabobank, 1070 Main Street, Cambria, CA 93428

Download pdf here Minutes February 2015
1.0 Call to Order and Establish a Quorum
Crosby and Laura Swartz,, Alan Peters, Bruce Mumper, Amanda Rice, Christine Heinrichs attending. Guests Tony Church, NCAC representative, Kermit Johansson, Connie Gannon, Kathe Tanner, reporter for The Cambrian

2.0 Approve Minutes of Previous Meeting

Minutes subject to additional statement regarding the discussion of Fire Chief Mark Miller’s resignation, as required by GM Jerry Gruber.

3.0 Treasurer’s Report

Laura Swartz reports that the bank account balance is $1137.39. She continues to work with the bank on a grant to pay bank fees of $10 a month. She will request a refund of fees paid since April 2014.

4.0 Sub­Committee Reports – none

4.1 Education/Planting/Mitigation/Operations

Effect of Drought on Tree Mortality and Fire ­Risk

Alan Peters of Cal Fire reported that he, Kim Carmella and one other toured the area and estimate 40 percent of the trees in the forest have died. Older trees have fought pathogens for years and now are succumbing to the drought. Crosby Swartz said, “The general public can see the dead trees, but I’m not sure they are aware of the fire danger.” Connie Gannon, executive director of Greenspace, said she is preparing a grant application through the Fire Safe Countil to hold a public workshop on creating defensible space so that indigenous plants are not damaged and invasives are removed, to be held in Spring 2016.

Cambria Community Council Grant Award

Laura Swartz reported that the Cambria Community Council awarded the Forest Committee $500 for a second year. the 2015 grant was used to fund the interpretive signs.

Pine Forest Interpretative Sign Location
CSD has not responded to requests for locations, per Amanda Rice. Crosby Swartz said he would attend the FFRP board meeting Thursday February 12 and ask that one be placed on the ranch. Director Bruce Mumper, representing FFRP, said signs are generally frowned upon but an exception could be made in this case.  “I think it’s a great sign,” he said. Laura Swartz had a presentation ready for PROS but the meeting was canceled. Amanda Rice suggested talking to CSD director Gail Robinette, who formerly served on PROS.

PG&E Reliability Program

Crosby has not received any information from PG&E. Chief Miller believes the work was done but there may be additional trees yet to be removed.

4.2 Forest Management

SRA Fee Fire Risk Reduction Project

Although the Forest Committee is not specifically mentioned in the SRA Fire Prevention grant application, the Forest Committee is included in the list of nine community partners in the Greenhouse Gas applications. Crosby Swartz said that the Forest Committee will hold public meetings as the project moves forward. Laura Swartz said that the Forest Committee can serve as a liaison between the agencies and the public.

Greenhouse Gas Reduction Grant Application

Alan Peters reports that no decision has been made as to which grant applications will move forward. He expects an answer by Friday. Grant applications are due April 30. An Air Burner being leased for use on the North Coast could be part of the project’s technology.

Fog Moisture Project Planning

Greenspace will pay for three fog catchers. Connie Gannon conferred with the Coastal Commission’s new forest ecologist Laurie Koteen, who is a specialist in pine diseases. Connie will continue contacts for fog research. Analysis can be costly. Amanda Rice suggested a donation drive giving certificates to donors for Saving a Tree.

5.0 New Business

5.1 Motion to Approve CFC Director Candidate

Crosby Swarrz has approached a candidate, a well qualified person who has served on the Forest Committee in the past. That person was not able to attend the meeting but will be invited to the next meeting.

5.2 Director Miller Resignation ­ Status of CCSD Representatives

GM Gruber is adamant about demanding Chief Miller’s resignation from the Forest Committee board. Amanda Rice said she would continue to serve as a director, siting other board members who serve on community boards. CSD director Jim Bahringer recently accepted a position on the Cambria Chamber Tourism Board. The Forest Committee cites its mission statement on every agenda and is an advocate for all points of view in supporting Cambria’s forest. Possible actions include inviting GM Gruber to speak to the committee on management of trees on CSD property and possible future cooperation on grant applications. Candidates for new directors will be sought through current directors bringing others to the meetings, holding meetings in restaurants, meeting with other groups. “We have a compelling, urgent message,” said Crosby Swartz. “How do we manage something that is owned piecemeal but is community wide?” said Amanda Rice.

Kathe Tanner said that The Tribune is exploring the possibility of posting more and longer articles online. Christine Heinrichs will submit meeting summaries to her when she is not able to attend Forest Committee meetings.

Amanda Rice asked for approval to show Mark Miller’s drone video to the Coastal Commission, meeting this week in Pismo Beach. She will include contact information for the Forest Committee, for the benefit of those who watch the commission meeting from other locations.

Tony Church reported that Vari MacNeil had a discussion with a county employee who told her that the county no longer charges for permits for tree removal because they do not send an inspector out. Crosby Swartz will follow up.
5.3 Comments on New Permit Applications

No forest impact of the MUD permit application for installation of electronic equipment at  motel, 6252 Moonstone Beach Dr.

6.0 Unfinished Business

6.1 Locations for Mitigation Tree Planting

Connie Gannon reported that the Cal Fire grant application includes 200 trees. Her workshop application includes 100 tree seedlings.
6.2 Tree Planting Recommendations ­ Evaporation Pond

The location between the State Park Campground and the emergency water project was discussed. Amanda Rice reports that the district engineer liked the idea but no one wanted to follow through on it. She will mention it to Interim Parks Director Brooke Guttierrez when she meets with her on another subject.

7.0 Public Comment – none

8.0 Adjournment 8:09

Next Meeting March 11, 2015

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