Grant to remove dead trees
The Fire Safe Council has been successful in getting grants: The SRA Cambria East Village Tree Mortality grant in the amount of $199,976, which expires 3/10/2019 and is nearly completed at this time, intended to maintain the fuel break above Bridge Street; The Greenhouse Gas Cambria Health Care grant, which began 12/01/15 and expires 12/30/2019. This grant total was $498,736 and as of 11/10/2018 there is $253,423 remaining. This grant funded the broom removal and will continue to do so until 12/30/2019 or the money is expended; and the Monterey Pine Tree Mortality grant, $1.8 million. Fire Chief William Hollingsworth has been invited to apply for two additional grants, totaling about $80,000, to remove dead vegetation (fuel) from the other side of Highway 1 corridor, east side Burton to Cambria Drive, and the canyon area between the low income housing and Tin City.
Timber Harvest Permits for the work will be issued under the Forest Practice Act. The Forest Committee will pursue information as to when public hearings will be held.
Cambria was awarded a $498,736 grant in 2015 to reduce the fire fuel hazard of dead trees. Read the Cambrian’s coverage here. Greenspace executive director Connie Gannon writes about how this can involve the Forest Committee here.